Squid and Octopus are two of the only beings I still don’t eat after I gave up being completely vegan six years ago. I feel like their intelligence is way too high for me to insult by chowing down on their remains. I know, I know who decides what counts as intelligence and what doesn’t. Well, I’m not here to open a debate on the eating of any beings, it’s just a personal preference.
I’ve been slowly getting sick over the course of the week and trying not to let it get in the way of anything I have to do. But, today I very nearly gave up on my (almost daily) afternoon sketching when none of my ideas were coming together. After a tea break and remembering the phrase “draw from the heart” I sat down and just went with the first thing that popped into my head. Now, normally the first things to pop into my head are either sex (harr harr), birds, robots, naked females, bones, spacey things or yes, tentacles. My mind can be fairly predictable, you see, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. Of course, I’m not quite as simple as I make myself out to be, but when our body is busy doing other things (like fighting dreaded ‘germs’) our brain can only do so much in the creative thinking department. Still, I try to bring a new character to every repetitive thought that claws its way from the depths of my mind…
And here’s the little character dragged from the abyss of this afternoon. Next of course I have to ink him and I’m always terrified when it comes to that stage that I’ll royally screw it up. You might see a few things I need to fix, and you’d be right… such as the tentacle on the left comes too close to his head and the one on the right comes out from his underneath at an odd angle. I’ll get to it right now…
PS Feel free to critique away in the comments if you ever have anything!