The Author
A professional photographer and artist eight years, I always have a lot to say and not enough time to say it in.
The featured photos
The photos and artwork I post on this blog range from commisioned work to projects of my own. I would go into gear details, but it would be boring. If it is of note-worthy interest it’s likely I mentioned it in the related entry. If you would like to use any of the photos or artwork posted on this blog please contact me using the form provided.
Many of the original photos are available to be purchased as prints, again just ask!
The blog design
This design is currently v.0.01 and is based on the Thematic frame work and PowerBlog child theme.
Why an arbitrary number? This design is a working draft. It’s designed by me with some coding lessons from @nottmatt
Images used in the design
The header is designed and created by me using the fonts “The King and Queen” and “Ginga”. Both are free to download from many font sites. The sketch used in the footer was kindly drawn by Dwam when I comissioned a beautiful personalised sketch book. It is used solely on this blog with her permission. It is not free to use.
all rights reserved. all wrongs reversed.
Commercial use of any content is strictly prohibited. Please provide a link back to when reposting entries or photos on other blogs.