Category Archives: faces

Portrait for a Tuesday: Malloreigh

I don’t have much to say today. Of course this is okay because sometimes words only distract from photos. Instead I’ll say once again how lucky I am to be able to photograph beautiful women like Malloreigh

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How I love those French Girls…

How I love those French Girls? I would count the ways, but I would be here forever, unfortunately… It wasn’t until I became an adult that I finally grew up and realised how beautiful French culture as a whole is. These days I am so intrigued by it that I dream and dream of visiting… Her name is Purdey and she lives in Nantes (a city with a humble Celtic beginning in 70BC)…

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Desert for a Weekend

Last weekend I took a jaunt to Las Vegas in order to shoot Amina Munster of Kill Yourself or Die Trying (incredible custom belts and other leather wear. Of course I have a great spilling light belt). It was a very short trip of just two days in which we managed to squeeze five full shoots and a night or two of drinks and fantastic entertainment (namely Steel Panther’s Metal Skool and being introduced to the wonders of HBO’s Tru Blood)

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everything has a beginning

So here it is… beginnings are very often awkward; whether it is a new friendship or the start of a project which will lead to greater things. To break the proverbial ice I am starting the beginning with a end. My life long love of Polaroid is clearly coming to an end* and so the end of this era will be melancholy to say the least, however, that doesn’t mean I can’t make it beautiful.

Also posted in celluloid, instants, little thoughts, musing | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment