Monthly Archives: June 2009

Portrait for a Tuesday: Malloreigh

I don’t have much to say today. Of course this is okay because sometimes words only distract from photos. Instead I’ll say once again how lucky I am to be able to photograph beautiful women like Malloreigh

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Desert for a Weekend

Last weekend I took a jaunt to Las Vegas in order to shoot Amina Munster of Kill Yourself or Die Trying (incredible custom belts and other leather wear. Of course I have a great spilling light belt). It was a very short trip of just two days in which we managed to squeeze five full shoots and a night or two of drinks and fantastic entertainment (namely Steel Panther’s Metal Skool and being introduced to the wonders of HBO’s Tru Blood)

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HellCity and Innerstate

Last weekend was probably one of the busiest of my life, but also probably the very definition of the word fun. Here in Columbus OH the downtown Hyatt hotel was host to HellCity tattoo festival. I was lucky enough to be helping out my good friends Alissa Brunelli and Durb Morrison with the coverage for the weekend.

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