Monthly Archives: May 2009

Here we go, Here we go again

There is a big update with lots of delicious in-flight/airport photos on the way, but time has overtaken and swallowed me whole. I hope to make it out the other end alive…

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lunch at finch’s

Yesterday, in the midst of running errands downtown and fighting off a summer cold I managed to find time to have a lunch break at one of my favourite places in downtown Vancouver.

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an exlusive? i can do that…

A little while ago (4 months to be precise) I embarked on a new project tentatively named “Invisible Faces”. Since then I have been collecting portraits of everyone I can convince to stand still for a mere 3-5 minutes…

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everything has a beginning

So here it is… beginnings are very often awkward; whether it is a new friendship or the start of a project which will lead to greater things. To break the proverbial ice I am starting the beginning with a end. My life long love of Polaroid is clearly coming to an end* and so the end of this era will be melancholy to say the least, however, that doesn’t mean I can’t make it beautiful.

Posted in celluloid, faces, instants, little thoughts, musing | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment