Monthly Archives: January 2010

Cupcake Throwdown [East Vancouver]

On Wednesday night was Vancouver’s first annual Cupcake Throwdown at Café Deux Soleil on Commercial Drive.

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I usually just have an idea and I bring it to life with nothing in the middle but a spilling of what’s in my head. I suppose that’s dumbing the whole thing down, but there you have it.

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The Great Train Adventure Part 1

On the Amtrak coffee cup are the words “Change how you see the world.” Often these things are just a clever marketing ploy designed to ensnare the imaginations of a certain subset of people. What’s rarer is when the marketing phrases ring true.

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Dragon Lady

In an age where everything is literally on the plate for all to see, it’s nice to occasionally hang back in the shadows and remember a time when the eroticism was all in the suggestiveness of the subject.

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